I think very often about God and the creation of life.When I was a kid I did not believe in any God,then I understood that God exists but religions don't exist.God is one as all great people have said. so if he does exist then who is he? Where is he? How does he look like? How did he create this system? Is God he, she or it? A lot of questions like these have been haunting human beings for many many years. They did haunt me until I developed a new concept and started believing it strongly. My concept is easy, believable and explainable. Even before kindergarten we have been taught this basic concept.Remember what our parents taught us ? "you do good things God will bless you and if you do bad things he will punish you".As we grew up we were told that God is not anywhere else but in our hearts within us. When we give this a little thought we come to know that our conscience is our God! When we do good our conscience blesses us with satisfaction and happiness which is the ultimate blessing any normal man living in this world wants. When we do bad things our conscience punishes us by making us feel guilty and by taking sleep away from us, which i consider the ultimate punishment!. If a person understands this and realizes this conscience which is no where else but within him there will be no problem in this entire world. Just think if a terrorist or a corrupt politician develops a powerful conscience they will develop guiltiness which has a power to change the worst of hearts! Now there will be new questions like who created the universe the atoms the sky the earth etc.By trying to unwind these mysteries we only land up in confusions and more questions. By knowing who created this universe we achieve nothing..these mysteries according to me add beauty to this world! they add beauty to life and make it exciting. Moreover when we know that we are not going to get accurate answers we must stop guessing and do what we can..what can we?? We need happiness and satisfaction..for which we must do good..good to the country or people or animals or any thing in this world depending on which gives us happiness and we must avoid feeling guilty..at least often..now if God is our conscience then what is a prayer?is it needed?..yes prayer is not chanting mantras for which you don't know the meaning it is telling your problems to yourself. by doing so we put things that are confusing in an order which helps us sort out the problem calmly and easily.when we pray truthfully by talking to our conscience we can feel the good and bad within us fight .We must let them debate and watch carefully. This is similar to writing our problems in a piece of paper and writing the advantages of solving it in the right and wrong way!.The concept gets intense when one thinks of a thanksgiving prayer...at such a point we thank a superpower that has created this earth! The ultimate conclusion is that God exists but since i don't know him i take him as my conscience !It guides me to do good which is all i can do..people who don't know their conscience turn evil! while others who trust in "a God"..not God but "a God" trust him as a conscience and do good depending on him and fearing him!which is better "me doing my test honestly because my teacher is watching and she will punish me" or "me doing it honestly because i know that copying is bad and i will not sleep peacefully that night"...though i don't copy in both cases there is a huge difference in counting on a teacher and counting on myself!..know your conscience next time when you do something bad have the thought that your conscience is feeling ashamed and it will punish you with guiltiness..trust me you will never want to be evil! happy realization! its not wrong to fail honestly and its not right to pass by cheating!
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